Santa Petrona 250g bag
Santa Petrona is one of a number of coffees we tasted on our hunt to select a 'Christmas Coffee', which is typically geared towards having some flavour notes that sound 'Christmasy'!
In the case of Santa Petrona, this was a pretty easy gig, as the Black Honey is famed with being rich and sticky / sweet. Plus the farm is called Santa.
Black Honey is 100% of it's mucilage layer being retained and put through an extended fermentation period, which really pushes the intensity of the profile, so we immediately thought it might taste a bit like a Christmas Pudding.
We were not far wrong, with the profile showing a rich Chocolate Truffle like body, supported by a marzipan sweetness and a cranberry like crisp tartness.
Roasted as an OMNI (Not specifically for either Espresso or Filter), it gives off a sweet and indulgent cup profile that's perfect for the festive season.